Our Instructor

Pt. Yash Parkash
B.Tech. MBA, LLB
One of the renowned Scientific Astrology Expert Pt. Yash Parkash is a practicing Astrology, Numerology, and Palmistry, expert with a vast experience Over 35 years in the field of Astrology
Now retired Executive Engineer from Govt, Deptt. He is practicing Astrology, since starting of his spiritual journey. After being Dikshit as ” ” from year 1988 . Joining Respected K.N. Rao’s team in year 1990. at Delhi. Since that never went out of studing intensified Astronomy- Astrology- Destiny occults . He believes that every thing is destined .Destiny follow the Principle of Karma theory as in Shad-Darshan. Since January 2019, associated with “Jyotish Charcha ” Plateform as astro -mentor , He has Commond over difficult subjects such as Steller Astrology, Nadi Astrology, Transit, Progression, Horary , Munden, Solar- Return, Marriage astrology, Medical Astrology. Besides that He is Shakt shadhak
Pt. Anuradha Gupta
M.Com, M.B.A. LLB
She is renowned for her Astrology teaching and perfect predictive skills, specifically for Marriage Astrology, Vocation Astrology, and Medical Astrology.
She has experience of ten years in predictive Astrology. Her spiritual growth in the field Shakt Sadhna, She is managing all activities related to Teaching, spiritual touring, havan, and other participation such as exhibition exhibition events.